Dr. Beebe's
approach to Type is innovative, radical, and revolutionary! But I get the
impression -- especially from certain Theorists -- that his outlook on the
negative aspects of our Shadow functions is just a little too -- well...
gloomy. They seem compelled to find a silver lining inside those clouds,
and want to mine a positive aspect from our ego-dystonic functions.
To be fair,
they also seek balance in the upper, ego-syntonic quaternity as well by mining
negative aspects of the functions we suppose we have mastery of.
Apparently it's just as easy to over-use and abuse our best functions as it is
to walk on the wild side with our Shadow functions.
following variation on Dr. Beebe's model as presented by Type expert Dr. Linda
Berens isn't as Jungian as the Beebe version. She titles the various
positions "roles of the processes" instead of "archetypes,"
because they attempt to describe what role a process plays in various
situations. According to Dr. Berens, while we can and do access every
function, there is an "energy cost" associated with each process we use. As
can be expected, our dominant and auxiliary functions extort the lowest energy
price from us, while other processes can be downright draining.
So here
again we display the "pure" model as it operates in every Type code,
with the names of the roles marked at each position. This time, the upper
term describes the process in a typical role, and the bottom title describes
that same process in a counter role.

And now
let's make it relevant to an INFJ once more:

The roles
are not all that different from the Beebe "archetype" version, but
different enough to be interesting, especially the dual aspects. Let's
mine these aspects in greater detail, and you can try applying them to your own
personality to see how well they "fit."
Role / Dominating:
introverted iNtuition for the INFJ
For an INFJ, this is the process usually engaged first, as we trust it to solve
our problems and help us be successful. It seems easy and instinctive to
use, and has stable, adult qualities associated with it. But it is
possible to "crank up" this process and become overbearing with it
until it seems dominating and negative.
probably already know how you employ your introverted iNtuition to get out of
difficult situations. But can you admit to ever using it in a dominating
fashion? When have you over-used it to the extent it failed you?
Role / Overprotective: extraverted Feeling for the INFJ
For an INFJ, the function of Fe is usually nurturing and helpful. But
have you ever known your extraverted Feeling to be overprotective -- even a
Relief Role
/ Unsettling: introverted Thinking for the INFJ
For an INFJ, Ti may be how we express our creativity and have fun. But Ti
can also unsettle us and express itself childishly. Can you identify the
dual ways this process manifests itself in your life?
Role / Projective:
extraverted Sensing for the INFJ
Shoulda woulda coulda. That's the negative, immature way Se tends to
express itself early on in our INFJ lives. Later, as we begin to trust it
around midlife, it may help us to find balance. And -- as with the Beebe
version -- it may cradle our inspiration and ideals.
I want to
make a distinction here with this particular process. This function may
present itself as the broad, over-arching theme of a person's life, or it can
operate moment-to-moment. Most INFJs aren't all that good with
moment-to-moment Se, but nevertheless, Se colors their overall expression.
So this function is multi-faceted in that it seems to play two different roles
within the same personality.
Can you
describe ways in
which Se operates for you as a process in the personality microcosm, but has
also provided you with a sense of purpose?
Now onto
the Shadow functions:
Role / Backup: extraverted iNtuition for the INFJ
We might be able to develop skill in the process of Ne, but usually we get
stubborn and contrary and refuse to cooperate using it. Thus, we may not
use it to serve our own best interests. On the other hand, if it gets
expressed positively, it may support our leading role process and assist it
toward success.
Role / Discovery: introverted Feeling for the INFJ
This function often emerges under stress, and is how we can attack with
criticism (ourselves and others). Once it appears, it may be unrelenting
in its negative expression. On the positive side, Fi can help us make
profoundly important discoveries, if we allow it to.
Role / Comedic: extraverted Thinking for the INFJ
Te is usually considered untrustworthy, and might fool INFJs into making
mistakes, such as bad decisions. But on the positive side, it can offer a
refreshing way of laughing at ourselves and not taking matters too seriously.
Role / Transformative: introverted Sensing for the INFJ
This function can be very destructive, and we often regret actions we take while
under the spell of it. INFJs are generally clueless about how to access
this function, and it tends to just erupt unexpectedly. But (as with the
Beebe model), it is possible for Si to be transformative -- it might provide a
spark to create something new altogether, like a phoenix rising from ashes.
And that's
the Berens' version of the Beebe model, featuring both positive and negative
spins to every process. I tend to switch between using both these versions of
this model, sometimes exploring archetypes and their manifestations, and
sometimes analyzing the role a process has played -- both in myself and
others. Whichever way you use it, it can be an endless source of
fascination and self-discovery.
taken from Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code,
by Dr. Linda Berens & Dr. Dario Nardi
Dynamics of Personality Type: Understanding and Applying Jung's Cognitive Processes,
Dr. Linda Berens
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