Last revised


I eat merely to put food out of my mind.
             -N. F. Simpson

Part of me says I have no business writing an essay about diet since it doesn't have anything to do with INFJ, but on the other hand it has a LOT to do with INFJ. 

I remember a comedienne once saying skinny people irritate her.  Especially when they say things like, "You know, sometimes I just forget to eat."  And the comedienne said, "I've forgotten my address, my mother's maiden name, and my keys. But I've never forgotten to eat. You have to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat!"  

Since then, I've consoled myself that I'm a "special kind of stupid."

They say introverted Sensing is the last function that INFJs prefer to access.  Meaning we'd rather endure Chinese water torture than use it.  So no surprise that paying attention to our body signals, which would include noticing when we're hungry, would not always come easily to INFJ.  (It's kinda similar to how PMS deludes me into believing I've gone insane once a month.  Why I haven't figured this out after 30 years I don't know, but once a month I wonder if I should be locked up in Bedlam.)

So -- body signals.  They're a problem for DomNi's.  Some addictions* might emanate from this murky place, especially since they emanate from our demonic Si.  One aged INFJ told me that one of the best things that ever happened to her was to finally get false teeth.  Yikes!  That was a clarion call, and sounded like shadowy Si operating.

Back to diet.  Probably the last thing to trust is an opinion about diet from an INFJ -- but that never stopped me from pontificating!  I ended up in a hospital years ago after some bout with the flu, and I could have died.  I continued to experience digestive problems after this illness, which the doctors never figured out.  I finally took it upon myself, as a true biblioholic who tends to read books in order to solve problems, to do a little research about this mundane topic of diet.  Lucky for you I won't bore you with all the details or explain the rambling path I went down, but I did land upon a method that I felt I could put faith in.  (I'm not saying I adhere to it -- I'm saying I believe in it.  Big difference!)

I struggled mightily with whether or not to write anything about it on this site, since it's not exactly germane to being INFJ, but after hearing yet one more person trash their normal diet in favor of the Atkins fad, I finally decided it was a disservice NOT to share what I've learned.

I feel good about this recommendation, because he's not a kook, a fitness expert, a celebrity, or television personality.  He's a doctor.  A common, ordinary, medical doctor.  (Well, maybe not so ordinary.)  He's written several books, has a website, and is greatly respected in his field.  He backs up his opinions with medical evidence, and demonstrates results with his programs.  He is not a "mouthpiece" for the pharmaceutical companies (like so many doctors are these days), and believes that the healthiest person is chemical-free, eats enough to feel satisfied, gets a decent amount of exercise, and fuels their body with nature's whole foods.  He has compelling evidence to prove that following his diet can reverse common Type-2 Diabetes, as well as cure many other maladies.

His name is Dr. John McDougall, and his website may be found here.  (His opinion of the Atkins diet may be found here.)

A terrific book he recommends offering similar advice is here.  I like how it was soundly researched.

Eventually I'm sure somebody will come out with a book, "16 Diets for 16 Types," and they'll tell us how INFJs should eat according to their personality preferences.  (In fact, I think Dario Nardi is working on a book about body types, so it may be out sooner than you think.)  In the meantime, this is my two cent's worth.

I hope this information is helpful, and I apologize if I have offended anyone by sharing my personal opinion regarding diet on this website.


*Oddly enough, I've encountered many Catalysts addicted to colas -- more so than other substances, including cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol.  The only more common addiction might be anti-depressants.

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Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
-Fran Lebowitz

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