for creativity are to be puzzled; to concentrate; to accept conflict and
tension; to be born everyday; to feel a sense of self.
creativity is realized in planning a route to accomplish a task that encourages
developmental growth of the individuals engaged in the task's execution and
those who are recipients of the end result. The plight of perfection
hovers and motivates INFJs to make a personally fulfilling change to help each
to benefit from his or her role in the process. Time is spent incubating
on ideas and visions of reaching the goal. INFJs have a sense about what
people need in order to grow and covertly matches tasks to people who need to
learn from doing them. This is the source of INFJ creativity -- making
something out of potential, even if sweat work is involved, and gently
persuading and affirming the accomplishments and gifts of others in meaningful
Guide to the 16 Personality Types in Organizations,
by Marci Segal
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