is not limited to Idealists! As John F. Kennedy said,
we are all idealists. We are all visionaries. Let it not be said of this
Atlantic generation that we left ideals and visions to the past, nor purpose
and determinations to our adversaries. We have come too far, we have
sacrificed too much, to disdain the future now. And we shall ever remember
what Goethe told us, that the "highest wisdom, the best that mankind ever
knew" was the realization "he only earns his freedom and existence
who daily conquers them anew."
common usage, the word "idealist" indicates a person who cherishes
noble aims and lofty percepts. The Idealist in Temperament terms is believed to understand and
value things as they could be rather than simply as they are, who naturally
focuses more on the potential than the actual, on becoming, to which being
is only a bridge.
important to know that this misunderstanding is one of several reasons for why
Dr. Linda Berens debuted new names for all of the Temperaments. She has
found that the name "Catalyst" separates this Temperament from others
who may simply have an idealized worldview, and it seems to do a
better identify the "can't-help-it" actions this Temperament
typically engages in. (Not all Idealists identify with being idealistic!)
* *
idealization is a useful coaching tool. One
powerful exercise you can practice to supercharge your thinking and accelerate
your results is called idealization. In idealization you
continually imagine the perfect outcome or solution for any situation in your
life. You project forward three to five years, or even further, and then
create a mental picture of the kind of life and career that would be ideal for
you in every respect.
This notion is explored in
great depth through the movie, The Secret
, which INFJs tend to find a no-brainer, because it seems to
describe what INFJs do naturally anyway. All the life coaches are talking
about this one, so I suggest you check it out!
* * *
Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism.
Carl Jung